Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Tougei Kamameishi
Lee Love

Article about Hamada's student, Murata Gen
Lee Love

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Seagrove International Ceramics Conference in N. Carolina.
Lee Love

This was my favorite pot in the Mitsukoshi show. A tenmoku tea bowl. Look at the drip at the foot. It was sold already when I got there (like most pieces were), or I would have bought it.
Lee Love

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Warren MacKenzie Show, Mitsukoshi Department Store, Tokyo fall 2004

You can see larger images by clicking on the photo above. You need to ask me for the password and promise not to bug MacKenzie about making something in the photos for you. That would piss him off. ;^)
Lee Love

Friday, March 25, 2005

This is the Japanese/English online dictionary I always use. It can Translate, line by line, too.
Lee Love

Tom Turner Article: Making it as a Potter.
Lee Love

Tom Turner Article: What is the American Tradition?
Lee Love

Burning the midnight oil...
Lee Love

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Tsukamoto, my gallery.
Lee Love

Tea Bowls!
Lee Love

Hamada's 77 Teabowls

76282 浜田庄司七十七☆譜 日本民芸館 函 毛筆署名入     47 20000

If you buy me this book, I will send you a shigaraki tea bowl and yunomi.
Lee Love

They have actually"seen" a planet outside of our solar system using infrared light.
Lee Love

Nanette L. Laitman Documentation Project For Craft and Decorative Arts in America
Interview with Warren MacKenzie

Lee Love

Sunday, March 20, 2005

bonsai pots

Bonsai pot shapes
Lee Love

Japanese pots traditionally use carpenter's measures of Shaku and Tsun.
Lee Love

Toshiro Mifune Official Website.
Lee Love

Shapes and measurements for –~Í bonsai pots
Lee Love

Illustrated "tiny pots." Translated into strange english by Google.
Lee Love

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Searching using the kanji for chawan and matcha
Lee Love

Friday, March 18, 2005

Sajiro Tanaka
Yamase Chawan (Yamase Tea Bowl)
Lee Love

How an average Neanderthal male (left) compare to a human male. Brain size is in cubic centimeters.

Neanderthal /  Human


5'6" / 5'9"


142  / 172 lbs.


1,200-1,700  / 1,300-1,500 cc

Lee Love

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Click on Image for original story: Potter pinched for burning body

FUKUOKA -- An elderly potter who burned the body of a woman in his kiln after his friend forced him at gunpoint to carry out the grisly crime has been arrested, police said.
Potter Koichi Shimoyama, 61, from Kanada, has been accused of abandoning a body.

"I burned the body because my friend threatened me with a gun," officers quoted Shimoyama as saying. "I didn't know whose body it was."

Lee Love

Dale Cochoy's post to rec.arts.bonsai with long quote on Japanese apprenticeships
Lee Love

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
An Irishman speaks to us about Beauty...
Beauty : The Invisible Embrace by John O'Donohue "EVERY LIFE IS BRAIDED WITH LUMINOUS MOMENTS..."
Lee Love

The Woman with the Alabaster Jar : Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail
by Margaret Starbird Could have been the inspiration for the Davinci Codes. Was Jesus Married to Mary Magdalen?
Lee Love

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Clay Craft List
Lee Love

Click on srceen shot above for Google search on human creamains glaze. Here is one below: SU STANDING BEAR ^6 OX. (Bill Edwards)
Silica 15.00
EPK Kaolin 20.00
G-200 Potash Feldspar 20.00
Ferro 3134 30.00
Bone Ash (Human) 5.00

I think this is extrodinary: Copyright Milos Stefanek, 1999. "ON VISUALISATION, CONCENTRATION & MEDITATION."

Whatever I remembered from that little Czech booklet on Meditation, I started to practice. I selected a small a dot, a little black speck on the wall and I kept looking at that dot, in a standing position, for hours. Clearing my mind, concentrating on my breathing, thinking of nothing. There was nothing else to do nowhere to go I had the whole day to practice my meditation. I stood there in my cell for hours, concentrating on my breathing, looking at that dot. The only interruptions to my practice were when the meals were served to the prisoners, or when I was called for Gestapo interrogations. As soon as I was back in my cell, I resumed my practice of meditation. The other interruption was when the guards were calling in the corridors "Hof", which was the daily yard walk for a few minutes, then back to the cells and back to my meditation. The other interruption was, when three times a week a Gestapo man came to the prison, to collect me for interrogation." Click on image to read whole essay.

Wood Kiln

Newspaper article about Joe Winter and wood

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Jomon Cooking pot in use at Pueblo Festival. Click on photo for WayBack archive of this Jomon page.
copyright 2005 Lee Love

Shinsaku Hamada Pot at Click on photo to visit site!
copyright 2005 Lee Love

Atsuya Hamada Pot at Click on image to go to site!
copyright 2005 Lee Love

Tomoo Hamada
copyright 2005 Lee Love

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